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Disability Employment ServicesJob SeekerPeople with disability

Success and Setbacks: Inam’s Employment Journey

uLaunch participant Inam smiling at camera

Inam, a 58-year-old woman, arrived in Australia in 2015 as a refugee from Iraq. With no significant employment history and a musculoskeletal disorder that limited her movement and caused chronic pain, Inam faced significant barriers to finding employment. 

Speaking only Arabic and understanding little English, Inam lacked confidence in her skills and felt that her age and cultural background made employment unsuitable for her. She believed that no employer could accommodate her needs or make her feel welcome. 

Building Trust and Connection

In July 2023, Inam connected with uLaunch Liverpool and was immediately paired with Ayat, an Arabic-speaking consultant who also had connections in the local Iraqi community. As they conversed in their cultural language, Inam felt a sense of belonging and shared her challenge of living with disability and navigating employment in Australia. 

After multiple sessions, Inam placed trust in the quality support from Ayat and started to gain confidence in her ability to work. 

Through the local business district, Ayat highlighted that there were local Arabic-speaking employers in the community. Ayat secured several work trials with these employers for Inam. This gave Inam an opportunity to learn more about a variety of roles, exploring her interests, building her experience, and understanding her physical work tolerances. Once equipped with these insights, Ayat’s approach for Inam’s job search became more targeted. Together they identified Inam’s strengths, goals, and aspirations for employment. 

Securing Employment and Gaining Independence

Following a successful work trial at a local restaurant, Inam discovered a role she enjoyed. She had a manager and team that respected and welcomed her. Her duties in the kitchen and serving customers were aligned with her physical capabilities, and the supportive environment made her feel valued. 

With a notable change in Inam’s confidence, Ayat approached the restaurant and successfully negotiated a permanent, part-time position for Inam at the restaurant, tailored to her abilities. This position was supported by a wage subsidy.  

For 26 weeks, Inam thrived in her new role, developing not only her skills but also a sense of belonging within her community. The ability to earn an income and contribute to her family gave Inam a sense of pride, allowing her to spend her money on her three young grandchildren. 

Living with Disability: The Uncertainty

The journey of employment for people living with disability is often faced with unique challenges. Despite thriving in her new role, Inam experienced an acute medical flare-up that forced her to stop working after 26 weeks. Taking the necessary time to recover from this setback reflects the reality many individuals face living with disability on their journey toward employment.  

Reset and Ready for Employment

After a recovery period and being declared medically stable, Inam actively re-engaged with Ayat in June 2024 to commence her job search again. During her time away, Inam lost motivation and needed to rebuild her confidence and resilience. With ongoing support from Ayat, Inam has gradually regained her professional abilities, and has set new goals. She is now preparing for interviews to secure meaningful employment. 

Although medical conditions and disabilities can present challenges, uLaunch is dedicated to supporting people like Inam throughout their journey. We are here to help them enter or re-enter the workforce when they are ready, providing the tools and resources they need to succeed. 

Find out more

You could be eligible for help in finding a suitable job from uLaunch Disability Employment Services, just like Inam.

Phone: 1800 319 502
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