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Benefits of hiring people with disability

Get help from uLaunch to hire people with disability and learn more about the benefits to your business.

Image of a man talking with a person sitting across a desk. He is smiling and has tattoos on his forearm.

Attract and retain a skilled workforce

Having a diverse workforce means you can attract applications from the widest possible talent pool. Creating an inclusive workplace means employees are likely to be more motivated, engaged and productive and will remain with your business longer.

One in five Australians have a disability. Organisations which make recruitment processes and workplaces free of barriers to people with disability means that all potential employees with the relevant qualifications, experience and skills can be hired.

A more committed workforce

Workers with disability are proven to have lower absenteeism and turnover and low incidence of workplace injury. Build your reputation within the communities in which you run your business.

Employees and customers are loyal to organisations that demonstrate they value inclusion and diversity when their workforce reflects the community as a whole.

A woman in a shop runs up a sale

Improve customer retention

Having employees with disability helps you to understand what your customers or clients with disability may need. This could include improvement around accessibility, understanding the needs of people with sight and hearing loss, or working with autistic people.

Wage subsidies and workplace adjustment

The Australian Government provides wage subsidies for employing people with a disability, illness or injury (up to $1650) or for people who are over 50 (up to $10,000).

In some states in Australia there are subsidies and incentives for hiring young people who have experienced a period of unemployment.

Through Work Assist eligible organisations are able to cover the costs of making workplace changes. This can include buying equipment and accessing services for people with disability, including software and hardware.

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