Are you interested in hiring someone with a disability? We’re here to help.
Interviewing candidates with disability
Key tips to ensure your recruitment processes are inclusive.
Interview tips
Make sure your office or interview location is accessible – stairs, trip hazards, poor signage and dim lighting can make it difficult for people with disability to find their way to you. Let people know in advance if they need to take care around obstacles or barriers.
If you require applicants to undertake tests ask if they have any particular needs, such as enlarged print, computer adaptions, sign language interpreter, aural aids or need additional time to complete a task.
Focus on the skills of the applicant rather than their disability. Look beyond this and see their strengths and the value they can add to your business.
Ask questions about their skills, training and why they want to work for you. If their disability is obvious don’t be afraid to ask them how they might do the job – chances are they have they’ve already come up with a creative solution!
People on the autism spectrum may struggle with communication and interpersonal skills and may not perform well in a group interview. Be flexible in your interview process. Rephrase your questions so they are more specific. Eye contact, small talk and meeting strangers can be difficult for people on the spectrum but they may be the best person for the job, even if they were not the best performer in an interview.
Ensure you comply with relevant Australian laws regarding employment, including the Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Acts. These acts prohibit discrimination including on the basis of age, race, sex, pregnancy, marital status and disability.