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Meeting Queensland’s Labour Shortages with the All Abilities Job Match Program

By September 13, 2024September 17th, 2024No Comments

Despite being a critical role for employing people with disabilities in Queensland, community services employers are not fully equipped to support the needs of people with disability looking for employment, contributing to a labour shortage in this region. 

To address their workforce needs and advocacy agenda effectively, community service employers need practical support to understand and implement strategies to improve their disability employment inclusion practices and employment rates. 

In May 2023, uLaunch partnered with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and Life Without Barriers (LWB) to provide employers throughout Queensland with a bespoke package of support to facilitate a 12-week internship for a person with disabilities through the All Abilities Job Match program. 

The All Abilities Job Match project brought together the combined skills of Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA) as an industry body, Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), Life Without Barriers (LWB) as a lead employer, and uLaunch as the disability employment services provider.  

Funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS), the project provided a support package to community services employers in Queensland with interns living with disability, improving employment opportunities. 

To match employers with suitable interns, uLaunch reviewed work environments, expectations, culture and job roles. Ongoing support was provided through mentoring and coaching to help interns overcome anxiety, advising employers on workplace modifications and job carving, and connecting them with valuable disability resources for a more inclusive environment 

As of June 2024, uLaunch has matched five interns with five employers in Queensland, with a 100% internship completion rate. You can read more about the successful journey of one of the All Abilities Job Match interns here.

Through combined efforts, uLaunch has provided practical, customised support to community service employers in Queensland, enhancing disability employment inclusion. By offering resources and tailored strategies, they successfully bridged the gap between employers and individuals with disabilities. 

uLaunch looks forward to continued collaboration with the All Abilities Job Match team and local employers to welcome more interns, aiming to create a more inclusive workforce throughout the region. 

JobMatch All Abilities banner

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