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Empowering Resilience: Aisha’s Journey to Employment

By May 14, 2024August 21st, 2024No Comments
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In a heartwarming tale of resilience and empowerment, Aisha*, a 41-year-old Sydney resident, has turned her life around with the support of uLaunch. 

The Journey 

Aisha’s journey to employment was fraught with challenges, including battling anxiety, depression, and the physical limitations brought on by a spinal disorder and lower limb ailments. These hurdles, compounded by a history of unstable relationships that impacted her mental health, made the prospect of finding suitable employment seem impossible. 

Upon her referral to uLaunch from Centrelink, Aisha was understandably hesitant to open up and engage with the consultants. Coming from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, the scars of past experiences had left her guarded and unsure of new interactions. However, she quickly discovered her uLaunch consultant shared a similar background, paving the way for a newfound sense of safety and trust.  

This connection was the first step in a transformative journey. With patient guidance and personalised support from her consultant Aisha began to see a glimmer of hope.  

Due to Aisha’s anxiety, she expressed her concern around face-to-face interviews. So, taking an evidence-based approach her consultant bolstered confidence by facilitating mock interviews. As well as resume building, job application assistance and providing Aisha with a voucher for new work clothes. All of which further empowered her to step into the world of employment with renewed self-esteem. 

The Outcome 

Today, Aisha is a testament to the power of empathy, innovation, and targeted support in overcoming barriers to employment for individuals with disabilities. As an administrative employee at Unlimited Care Services Pty Ltd, she has not only found a role that aligns with her strengths but has also completed an impressive 26 weeks of employment!  

Aisha’s story is a shining example of how, with the right support, individuals facing seemingly impossible challenges can not only find meaningful employment but thrive within their communities and beyond.  

*Name changed for privacy. 

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