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A Career journey for Grant: uLaunch’s Supportive Role

By August 2, 2023No Comments
A stock image of a middle aged man standing in a warehouse with a laptop.

In today’s fast-paced world, finding meaningful employment can be a daunting task, especially for those facing various vocational and non-vocational barriers. Grant Worboys, a 53-year-old resident of Caboolture, experienced significant challenges in pursuing a stable career due to his health issues and responsibilities as a caregiver. However, thanks to the support and guidance provided by uLaunch, Grant has managed to turn his life around and find fulfilling work.

Grant’s Vocational and Non-Vocational Barriers

For Grant, finding employment became an uphill battle due to several obstacles in his path. He had not worked since 2013, primarily due to his poor eyesight in both eyes, bad knees, and a back injury. Furthermore, he had taken on the noble responsibility of caring for his father, which significantly limited his time and energy to search for jobs actively.

Connecting with uLaunch

Grant’s journey to overcoming his barriers to employment began when he was referred to uLaunch by Centrelink. The organisation recognised his potential and was determined to support him in his pursuit of meaningful work.

Preparing for Work and Overcoming Barriers

uLaunch’s approach to helping Grant was multi-faceted. Firstly, they worked on building his confidence, which had been diminished due to the years he spent caring for his father. Grant’s self-esteem had taken a hit, but with the support and encouragement of his consultant, he started to believe in his abilities again.

Marketing became a powerful tool in showcasing Grant’s skills and potential to potential employers. uLaunch emphasised his experience and sought job opportunities that aligned with his expertise. Additionally, they discussed the benefits of skilled-based training to enhance his employability. Grant’s willingness to learn and grow played a vital role in this process.

Grant’s Current Role

After consistent effort and perseverance, Grant secured a full-time position at Logo Line in Brendale. He did not require upskilling as his expertise aligned with the role. The main challenge he had to overcome was adjusting to standing on his feet for extended hours, which he managed to adapt to with time. Today, Grant finds fulfillment in his work and is grateful for the support he received from uLaunch in accomplishing this milestone.

Grant’s story exemplifies the transformative power of organisations like uLaunch in helping individuals overcome vocational and non-vocational barriers to employment. With determination, guidance, and support, Grant successfully navigated his way back into the workforce and found a fulfilling job. His journey serves as an inspiration to many facing similar challenges, reminding them that with the right assistance, they too can overcome barriers and achieve their career aspirations.

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