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Job SeekerNews

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD)

By November 20, 2022June 17th, 2023No Comments

Every year on 3 December, people around the world take part in International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD). It is a day to celebrate the contributions and achievements of people with disability and promote awareness, understanding and acceptance in the community.

In Australia, the federal government has been supporting IDPwD since 1996 and invites all Australians to make positive changes to the lives of the 4.4 million Australians living with disability.

Joblife and IDPwD

As part of supporting this important day we are launching a ‘100 jobs in 30 days’ campaign with our sister organisations Real Futures and Jobfind to support our clients living with disability into sustainable employment.

This means we are also supporting employers with the resources and tools they need to build inclusivity and diversity into the DNA of their workforces.

Download your guide on creating accessible and inclusive workplaces here.

uLaunch - Social media tile reading 100 jobs in 30 days


uLaunch - social media tile with an aboriginal man in a wheelchair with the quote 'I'd like a fully inclusive, whole-hearted community, no matter who you are or where you come from.' - Uncle Wilfred Prince, 2002 Ambassador


This IDPwD, as we acknowledge and celebrate disability, we also want to challenge ourselves to #lookbeyond and start conversations about the unique stories of individuals with disability, because not all disability is the same; in fact, many disabilities are hidden.

By listening to the lived experiences of the 4.4 million Australians with disability, both visible and invisible, we can all challenge our attitudes and assumptions about disability.

How can you get involved?

If you want to support IDPwD and our 100 Jobs campaign you can start by reading, watch and listen to the stories and experiences of people with disability to challenge your attitudes and assumptions.

Employment plays a central role in improving the economic, social and personal wellbeing of Australians with disability. If you are ready to make your workplace more inclusive and accessible see here for resources to support you.

If you want to learn more about joining our campaign or working with us Contact us today!

Encouraging everyone to #LookBeyond Disability

Our teams across Jobfind, Real Futures and Joblife work with participants every day to help them find sustainable and enjoyable work. If you want to find out how you can get access to support contact us.

Garth is an experienced, reliable and hard working Jobseeker currently located in Busselton, Western Australia. He prides himself on being able to help other people and has a great sense of humour. He has achieved a lot already and has extensive qualifications in IT and people focused roles.

Once a participant with Jobfind herself, Michelle understands the challenges of finding work when you have a disability. After experiencing a stroke in 1993, Michelle spent 12 months in recovery before exploring her return to work.

Any participants in this article were being supported by our team at Joblife Employment and Jobfind at the time of publishing.