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Joblife Believed in Me

By August 31, 2022June 17th, 2023No Comments

Sometimes all we need is someone who believes in us to give us the confidence to achieve our wildest dreams and for Joel, he could not have been more thrilled with Kellie at Joblife who did exactly that!

“I am incredibly grateful for Kellie’s help in getting this job! Kellie is the first DES person who has managed to get me a job, many have tried. Thank you, Kellie, for all you have done, you are a star,” Joel exclaimed.

At Joblife, helping a client restore their confidence in themselves is an essential part of the organisation’s purpose.

Joel Kelsey, 35, had previously struggled finding an employer who understood his barriers, nor a role that suited his needs while he is studying a Diploma of Counselling. Joel has battled with anxiety and wanted a job that fitted in with his study timetable and transport needs.

Joel reached out to Joblife and found that the employment consultants listened and supported his personal and career aspirations. Kellie saw what some may think are barriers to gaining fulfilling employment, as untapped potential.

Kellie helped build his confidence by working on applications with Joel and encouraging him to market himself to potential local employers. After some unsuccessful attempts, Kellie and Joel re-evaluated his career goals and collated a set of different fields to consider.

Eventually, Kellie found the perfect opportunity for Joel as a crossing guard at a local public school and helped him apply for the position. Unsurprisingly to Kellie, Joel was successful in getting the job, so Kellie moved quickly to assist Joel in applying for his tickets and checks.

Joel has been in the role for a couple of months and is loving it so far. He said he loves how it is easily accessible for him and he loves the ability to keep kids safe.

Joblife continues to support Joel in his career journey with ongoing support and have provided a new beanie to keep him warm on those chilly winter mornings.

uLaunch - photo of a man wearing hi-vis holding a Stop - children crossing sign

Any participants in this article were being supported by our team at Joblife Employment and Jobfind at the time of publishing.