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Michelle’s Journey to Sustainable Employment and Beyond

By April 15, 2024August 21st, 2024No Comments
A cleaner dusting a picture.

In an inspiring display of resilience and empowerment, Michelle’s story with uLaunch exemplifies the transformative power of a strengths-based approach to employment.

The Challenge

Facing challenges with confidence and mental health which impacted upon her speaking, Michelle sought to re-enter the workforce but struggled on where to start. In a brave move she reached out to the uLaunch Mount Gravatt team in Queensland and connected with Employment Consultant Leigh. Immediately, Leigh seen Michelle’s potential and together they co-designed a course of action that would allow Michelle to develop her confidence and secure employment.

The Solution

From the outset, Leigh recognised the importance of building capacity for Michelle, focusing on her strengths and what she could achieve with the right support. This led to a carefully tailored plan that included enrolling Michelle in Momentum to bolster her confidence and foster a supportive community around her. The plan’s success was soon evident when Michelle secured a cleaning role that, although initially for just four hours a week, quickly expanded to over 15 hours, underscoring the importance of sustainable employment driven by choice and co-design.

The Result

Michelle’s journey did not stop at finding employment. Whilst delighted with her new role, Michelle highlighted that it was physically challenging, and that productivity was limited.  So, with her newfound confidence she demonstrated remarkable initiative suggested having two people on cleaning rotation to her employer.  Her employer agreed and this not only made her job more manageable but increased productivity and enhanced the workplace for others. A true testament to how inclusive, community-connected practices can lead to meaningful improvements in employment conditions. Michelle has now been in a stable employment role for over 6 months and her role has evolved, allowing her to take on new responsibilities and explore career advancement opportunities, particularly in administration, a field that interests her for future growth.

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