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Phinyo: Securing Success with uLaunch’s Guided Group Discovery Program

By October 27, 2023March 8th, 2024No Comments
Phinyo secures success

Meet Phinyo, a 59-year-old man from Melbourne who has defied the odds and secured success. Despite encountering obstacles, Phinyo exemplifies how perseverance and determination can lead to achievement

Phinyo’s Journey

Phinyo’s journey with uLaunch began when he was referred by Centrelink due to the physical barriers, he faced which included a right shoulder rotator cuff tear.  This impacted him from lifting heavy things and placed a vocational barrier between him and the work that he had previously done.

Discovering Potential

Instead of being halted by this Phinyo was determined to secure work. The uLaunch Springvale team had a chat with Phinyo and recognised that with his resilience and optimism he would excel in the uLaunch Guided Group Discovery Program.

The uLaunch Guided Group Discovery Program facilitates participants to seek employment that is based on their interests and strengths. Prior to coming into uLaunch Phinyo had been searching for work in security, but his rotor cuff tear hindered his progress. However, after speaking with his employment consultant Karina, he discovered that his true interests lay in maintenance and working with tools.

Karina worked to find the ideal job that encompassed what Phinyo enjoyed, maintenance and working with tools. She quickly found the ideal role at a local factory, where the job incorporated using special hand tools and provided full training. Phinyo was delighted at the aspect of this opportunity, he and Karina immediately began preparing for the interview.


After meeting the employer and exceling in the interview, Phinyo was offered the job role. He has now successfully completed all his training and has fully commenced into secure employment as a Factory hand, which is something he never thought he is able to do so. This is a remarkable achievement for someone who never thought he would be able to do this kind of work.

Phinyo’s journey with uLaunch shows that with the right support and guidance, anyone can achieve their goals. The Guided Group Discovery Program helped him to discover his true potential and align his employment based on his interests and strengths. It is important to remember that success is not about how many obstacles you face, but how you overcome them.

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