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Jada finds a perfect fit for Christmas!

By December 23, 2022June 17th, 2023No Comments

Jada, 23, came to our Sydney team through a Centrelink referral to gain support to find employment.

Initially she was nervous and shy about finding a job and wasn’t very engaged. Jada lives with a level of anxiety and depression that also causes her to suffer from fatigue. She was doubting her abilities and was worried about not feeling safe and supported in her workplace.

Her employment consultant Nefa wanted to show Jada that working would allow her to engage with the world and can help with her isolation and loneliness. With each appointment Jada started to become more open to the idea of employment and they started to look for jobs with small supportive teams.

Jada is now working as a shop assistant at Westfield decorating Christmas ornaments. She is feeling confident and safe within her team and appreciates they understand her and are making extra effort and adjustments to support her to succeed.

Nefa is continuing to support Jada as she continues to thrive in her role.

If you think our team could help you contact us today: Joblife Employment | Contact us

Any participants in this article were being supported by our team at Joblife Employment and Jobfind at the time of publishing.